Categories: Body, Face




Dry Brushing

Mirror, mirror on the wall…don't tell me who is the most beautiful of the land, but could you do better?

For example, read my inner state? How do you say? I don't need a mirror but just look at my skin?! Yes, because our skin reflects signs of aging, thoughts, feelings and is directly affected by what we introduce into our body (air we breathe, food, water) and our habits.

Cells are renewed continuously and in this process of continuous change we can help the epidermis through various tools: scrubs, thermal baths, various types of massage, and natural exfoliation.

Dry brushing, also called body brushing, consists precisely in exfoliating the skin through the use of natural bristle brushes. It is one of the oldest forms of massage and precisely because of this characteristic, it does not require the use of any cosmetic product. It has energizing, toning, exfoliating properties and acts on the circulation, reactivating it.

To be performed daily, it is suitable for all skin types, with due precautions and is an excellent support for anti-cellulite, draining and toning treatments. Isn't that enough for you?

Let me teach you a little and list the main benefits that derive from it:

  • Exfoliates the top layer of the skin, eliminating dead cells;
  • Makes the skin brighter and more toned;
  • Stimulates blood circulation but also lymphatic circulation, improving the appearance of stretch marks, cellulite, dissolving edema and swelling;
  • Helps drainage of liquids;
  • Purifies the skin by unclogging pores and improving oxygenation;
  • Stimulates the nerve endings of the skin;
  • Optimize muscle tone;
  • Counteracts the formation of cellulite.

How to dry brush

Before you say: "it's fine, but to give all these results who knows how to do it..." know that brushing is a ritual of just a few minutes (3-5 min) that gives immediate and visible results. To be carried out on dry skin.

If you do it in the morning before the shower, you can take advantage of its energizing effect, if you prefer it in the evening, its anti-fatigue effect.

After the shower, it is advisable to apply lotions with a moisturizing and/or draining action, as needed, to optimize their effectiveness.

It must always be performed in the direction of blood circulation, therefore towards the heart. But since no one was born "learned", some advice is always useful:

  1. Start with the right foot, moving along the calf and moving up towards the knee in sweeping movements.
  2. Brush the thighs, buttocks and hips with a little more determination; go over the same area several times.
  3. Ripetere gli stessi passaggi per la gamba sinistra.
  4. Proceed to the stomach and breasts but be careful, massage these areas gently.
  5. Brush the back from bottom to top, making broad and decisive movements, and then decrease the force when you get to the shoulders.
  6. As for the upper limbs, start from the hands by brushing upwards, to get from the elbow to the shoulders.

If you are a chronic lazy person, I tell you that brushing should be done at least three times a week, but it is advisable every day precisely because of its benefits. You'll see that it will become a pleasant and nice routine 😉... If you have very delicate skin, we recommend doing it 2/3 times a week!

Choice of brush

Another very important aspect is the quality of the brush. Preferably opt for brushes with natural vegetable or animal bristles (e.g. wild boar, pony etc…) avoiding synthetic ones.


  • Pay attention to very delicate parts such as inner thighs, groin, breasts: brush gently to avoid irritation.
  • Avoid in case of wounds, scabs, rashes, eczema, varicose veins or similar conditions.


The Brush-me brush is made of 100% natural materials, ergonomic and perfect to take everywhere, even when traveling so you never give up this beauty ritual. The bristles are of medium stiffness, suitable for all skin types. Discover it alone or in combination with the RECHARGE ME SYSTEM courses



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