Spray Serum Fast Drain

Siero Spray corpo ad azione drenante.


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Spedizione in 24/48h – gratis da 50€.

Siero spray corpo ad azione drenante. Favorisce il drenaggio dei liquidi donando una sensazione di leggerezza. Evitare la zona del seno.

  • Hertz Water System
  • Up to 99% of natural ingredients
  • No petrol
  • No parabens
  • No silicons
  • Gas free

Confezione da 150 ml

How to Use

Nebulizzare mattina e sera, localmente sulle zone da trattare a pelle pulita ed asciutta. È possibile favorire l’assorbimento con un massaggio. Non agitare il prodotto. Evitare la zona del seno.



Extracted from the horse chestnut, it has an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, vasoprotective and vasoconstrictive activity. Ideal for the treatment of cellulite blemishes, in fact it maintains the physiological permeability of the skin and improves the reabsorption of liquids. It acts on the vasoconstriction of veins and capillaries, increasing their resistance, elasticity and permeability, thus increasing the leakage of liquids towards the surrounding tissues. Escin is useful for reducing swelling and the sense of heaviness in the upper and lower limbs and for limiting the excessive dilation of the venules: it reactivates the circulation and reduces the sense of tiredness, deflating the affected parts. It has a strong antioxidant action in the venous vessels, improving the protection against free radicals.


Pilosella is a highly appreciated active ingredient in the aesthetic field for its diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to the presence of flavonoids, it has marked draining properties which make it an active adjuvant in the treatment of blemishes due to water retention and cellulite.


Sweet clover is a plant of the Leguminosae family useful against cellulite, water retention and circulatory disorders. The plant is indicated in the treatment of venous and lymphatic insufficiency and useful in the presence of edema, swelling of the lower and upper limbs, water retention and cellulite.


Aqua (water), hamamelis virginiana (witch hazel) flower water, melilotus officinalis (red clover blossom) extract, hieracium pilosella (hawkweed) extract, taraxacum officinale (dandelion) root, rosa centifolia flower water, escin, beta-sitosterol, lecithin, citric acid, sodium dehydroacetate, benzyl alcohol


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